Warrington Township
The Gateway to Bucks County Since 1734

Use & Occupancy

Residential Use and Occupancy Fee (Resale/Rental) $140.
  • Use and Occupancies are required for commercial and residential properties going for lease/rental and resale in Warrington Township.
    • Homes with sprinkler systems need to be inspected separately by a third-party agency  (see list below) before U&O is issued.
  • The seller/Landlord is responsible for obtaining a use and occupancy application form from the Township as well as paying the fee of $140 and setting up an inspection. (Agents are authorized to apply in place of the seller).
  • No person should go to a settlement or occupy a space without an Occupancy Certificate. This is to ensure everyone’s safety.
  • Homes with sprinkler systems will need systems certified by a certified third-party agency registered with Warrington Township.
    • Sprinkler certifications are good for (6) months.
  • Occupancy Certificates are good for 60 days from the date issued.
  • Applications can be submitted by mail/dropped off at the Township Building or emailed to [email protected]. Applications submitted electronically can call in a credit card (Mastercard, Visa or Discover) to 215-997-7501 ext. 302.
    • The applicant is responsible for making payment and scheduling inspections.

Application (Residential):
Use & Occupancy (Lease/Resale) - Residential

Application (Commercial):
Use & Occupancy (Lease/Resale) - Commercial Form

Inspection Check List (Residential):
Residential U&O Checklist

Sprinkler Certification Form:
Residential Sprinkler System Acceptance Test Form

Sprinkler Agencies:
Sprinkler Agencies (Third Party)

Use & Occupancy Form - COMMERCIAL
Use & Occupancy Form - COMMERCIAL
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Warrington Township The Gateway to Bucks County Since 1734
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